Where can I get Dr. Cattani Cosmetic?
Postoffice Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Vaduz, Schaan, Balzers, Mauren, Eschen, Rugell
https://vitaserv.ch - online-drugstore in Switzerland
https://www.margueritesmakeupschool.com - The makeup-school in Lucerne
http://m-cosmetica.ch - the fine cosmetics studio in the Zurich Oberland
HBK Hamburg cosmetics school
Bambeckerstrasse 6 a (Kampnagel)
22303 Hamburg
https://sonnenlandapo.at - the pharmacy on Lake Neusiedl
Personnel shortage elegantly solved
Our Beautybox expands as a self-service vending machine 7 days a week, 24 hours a day!
Directly next to the entrance to the SPA, it is available 24 hours a day as a personal health and beauty box and self-service for all (in)occasions. It offers a selection of those things you might need spontaneously when the shops are just closed or you want to minimise the risk of infection in times of Corona.
We have stocked our vending machine with a small selection of our range, covering the most important areas of beauty care, minor aches and pains that do not require medical attention, cosmetics and other useful items for health, well-being and beauty.
Our beauty box is well stocked, always accessible and the storage of the goods is of course temperature controlled!